In this Admissions Director Q&A, we meet Claire Fitzgibbon, Senior Director of Graduate Enrollment at the University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business, for a deep dive into MBA admissions there.
Claire is responsible for the strategy and oversight of all aspects of the graduate admission process. She began her career at Notre Dame in 2023 after many years leading undergraduate admission teams. Claire graduated from Mendoza while also a member of the Notre Dame Drumline. She also holds an M.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Hofstra University.
Read on to get her take on how to craft your best essay, how interviews work, and some of the program’s highlights.

Clear Admit: What is the one aspect of your program that you wish applicants knew more about?
Claire Fitzgibbon: One aspect of Notre Dame that can’t be overstated is the power of our alumni network. It was recently ranked as #4 by the Financial Times. I heard one alum say recently that when you graduate from Notre Dame the expectation is that we’re going to help make the world a better place, and we’re going to help each other do that. Our alumni enjoy and appreciate giving back. Sometimes that’s by sponsoring a Grow Irish project, other times it’s a site visit or mock interview. I was recently with someone who is not a Notre Dame alum, and they made a distinction: Notre Dame alums pick up the phone when you call.
I’m a Notre Dame and Mendoza alum myself, and I had this opportunity just last week! I got a note from a college classmate asking if I would have a conversation to help someone advance their career. I was very happy to do so, and at the end of the conversation, put the person in contact with two other folks with expertise in their target field.
In part because of that alumni network (as well as our personalized career coaching), our MBA students have great success in securing jobs wherever they hope to land. For example, in the MBA Class that graduated in 2023, we had more graduates start positions in New York City than in Chicago!
CA: Walk us through the life of an application in your office from an operational standpoint. What happens between the time an applicant clicks “submit” and the time the committee offers a final decision?
CF: Once an applicant has completed the application and hit the “submit” button, our admissions team will start reviewing your application. This time from submit to notifying you of your decision typically takes 6-8 weeks; please see our application and decision release dates here. We know the time and attention you spent preparing your application and want to ensure we take the same care to review it.
After initial review, select applicants will receive an email invitation inviting them to interview with members of the Admissions Committee. After the interview is complete, the Committee does one final review of the application and makes a decision.
We know waiting is not easy, so we encourage students to reach out to us at any point during their application process to answer any questions or address any concerns that arise! We can be reached at[at]
CA: How does your team approach the essay portion of the application specifically? What are you looking for as you read an essay? Are there common mistakes that applicants should try to avoid? What is one key thing they should keep in mind as they sit down to write?
CF: An essay topic is an opportunity for applicants to show their authentic selves by responding to a pretty introspective topic. The first part of the essay prompt is typically “tell us about a time when…” and the second part is typically “how did that affect you.”
As an admission committee, we certainly care about the story students are telling, but we care more about the second part of the topic – how did it affect you. Thus, the main essay advice to applicants is to make sure they’re addressing all aspects of the essay prompt.
Secondly, the essay is the most introspective and applicant-driven portion of the application. It’s the applicant’s opportunity to introduce themselves to the admission committee beyond their GPA, work experience and test scores. Take advantage of that opportunity! There is not a required tone or format to the essay – make it your own and be true to yourself.
The last piece of advice is to clearly and concisely communicate your ideas. Those two adjectives are important to your business school success, so this is an opportunity to showcase them. Double check your grammar and spelling, and ask others to proofread to ensure your essay both sounds like you, and also conveys your intended message.
It’s good to know that applicants to the Notre Dame MBA program are also asked to submit 4 slides to get to know them better. This is an additional, visual, opportunity to let the admission committee get to know you beyond the information in your transcript, resume and other application materials. The format is up to you, and it’s okay to showcase your personality! Past applicants have convinced me to travel to new destinations, demonstrated their love for music through your Spotify Wrapped statistics, and many reminded me that time with loved ones is one of the most precious commodities we have. We look forward to learning more about you!
CA: Could you tell us about your interview process? Approximately how many applicants do you interview? Who conducts the interview (students, admissions officers, alumni) and what is the nature of the interview (resume-based, application-based, behavioral)? Will your admissions interviews be in-person or virtual for the 2024-2025 admissions season?
CF: Students are invited to interview after their application has been reviewed, and the Admissions Committee tends to favor interviewing a candidate over not, giving applicants additional opportunities to show their preparation and fit for the program. For the 2024-2025 admissions cycle we will be offering both virtual and in person interviews. There is no preference or emphasis on either; your choice of interview mode will not affect your admission decision.
All of our interviews are live conversations that typically last 30-40 minutes, with the focus being a mix of resume-based, application-based, and behavioral questions. Typically there are two folks interviewing one applicant. Those interviewers are usually a member of the MBA Admissions Committee, as well as either a current student, alumni, or Mendoza staff member.
CA: What is your testing policy? Do you offer exam waivers? Why or why not?
CF: Students are required to submit GMAT or GRE scores or be granted a testing waiver. GMAT or GRE scores can often help strengthen an application, as well as positively impact merit-based scholarships.
Testing waivers are available under certain conditions, such as significant professional work experience or earning advanced degrees. Waivers are offered to make the program accessible to a broader range of candidates who can demonstrate their capabilities through professional achievements and academic background. We also realize that not everyone is in a position to study and take a test.
CA: In the application data form, many schools ask for information about work experience, activities, hobbies, and much more. What advice would you give to applicants as they approach this component of the application process?
CF: These sections of the application are crucial for the MBA Admissions Committee to review and be able to see all of an applicant’s accomplishments. While there may be some redundant information between these sections and a resume, because we ask that your resume is limited to one page, it is important to also focus on the application sections about work experience, activities and hobbies as it gives applicants the opportunity to give more detail.
The information students list about their involvement outside of work is important as the admission committee assesses a candidate’s fit with our program. We’re looking for students who will engage with our community. Showing your involvement with your current community is the best way for us to get a sense of how you’ll likely engage with our campus community. So even if you may not view a particular experience or leadership role as important, please include it!
CA: Tell us briefly about two popular courses at your institution.
CF: One of the most popular course offerings in the Notre Dame MBA program are our Meyer Business on the Frontlines courses. These courses are innovative consulting courses that have both a classroom and field work components. They offer students the opportunity to use business to imagine new solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems, like peace, poverty and illicit economies. In their field work, students partner with action oriented organizations ranging from international humanitarian organizations to local NGOs and from Fortune 500 companies to religious organizations. Together you’ll suggest solutions that set the conditions for economic progress.
Another popular course offering is Applied Investment Management (AIM). AIM gives Notre Dame students the opportunity to participate in live portfolio management while developing their financial analysis skills through rigorous, fundamental equity research. The selected students-turned-analysts are charged with the research and decision-making process required to manage a live portfolio, currently valued at approximately $31 million.
CA: Is there anything else you’d like to highlight about your MBA program or Mendoza admissions process?
CF: The Mendoza MBA program is very integrated into campus life at Notre Dame. In addition to the many clubs offered in the MBA program, MBA students are able to join most clubs offered to undergraduates. Any guest speaker, lecture series, concert, intramural sport, and sporting event are available for MBA students to join. Students in the program also have the opportunity to purchase season football tickets in the student section to cheer on the Fighting Irish football team.
The close-knit community and personal nature of the MBA program can also be seen in the application process. Our MBA admissions and enrollment team are always available to meet you, answer questions, provide advice and coaching, and connect you with current members of the MBA cohort. We are always excited to speak with potential Notre Dame students who are interested in making a positive impact on the world through business.