Mendoza College of Business – University of Notre Dame

The University of Notre Dame offers a full-time MBA program through the Mendoza College of Business on its campus in Indiana. With the goal of developing business leaders who seek to Grow the Good in Business with the skills and mindset needed to contribute to human flourishing, Mendoza offers two-year and executive MBA programs. Students in the MBA program will have access to renowned faculty, an academic experience that integrates experiential learning, and an incredibly strong alumni network.
What is the tuition for Mendoza’s MBA program?
The tuition for Mendoza’s Two Year MBA program is $71,126 for the 2024-2025 academic year.
What is the average GMAT score for admission to Mendoza’s MBA program?
The median GMAT score for the incoming class at Mendoza is 710.
Does the Mendoza MBA program accept the GRE?
Yes. The Mendoza MBA program has accepted the GRE for a few years now. The median GRE score for the latest class was 315.
What is the minimum number of years of work experience required for admission to Mendoza’s MBA program?
Mendoza does not state a minimum requirement for years of work experience. On average, students have 4.8 years of work experience as they enter the program.
What is the average age of a Mendoza student?
The average age of a Mendoza student is 28 years.
What is the average starting salary for graduates of the Mendoza MBA program?
The median starting salary and bonus for Mendoza MBA graduates in the Class of 2023 was $130,000. The salary will vary by industry, with consulting and finance jobs generally commanding the highest salaries.
How long is Mendoza's full-time MBA program?
Mendoza offers a traditional two year MBA program and a one year option for candidates with a business background.
What are the application deadlines for Mendoza's MBA program?
The Early Decision MBA application deadline is September 5, 2024. The Round 1 application deadline is October 15, 2024. The Round 2 application deadline is January 7, 2025. The Round 3 application deadline is March 17, 2025.
What percent of Mendoza's MBA students are women?
The percentage of the class at Mendoza that are women is 31%.
The Class Profile
For the Class of 2025, the 104 students had a mean GPA of 3.4 during their undergraduate years. Twenty-four percent were the first in their families to earn a college degree. The group landed a median GMAT score of 710. For those who took the GRE, their median score came in at 315. In addition, the class is made up of 31 percent women and 34 percent international students, representing 19 countries. Among domestic students, 20 percent are underrepresented minorities. Another 20 percent of U.S. students are military veterans.
The new Mendoza students arrived on campus with an average of 4.8 years of work experience and average age of 28.
Application Procedures
Notre Dame / Mendoza gives its applicants the choice of applying in one of four admission rounds. The application requirements include completing the school’s application and submitting one essay, a slide presentation, a statement of purpose, two letters of recommendation, GMAT/GRE scores, TOEFL/PTE/IELTS scores, and unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts. The full-time MBA program is offering GMAT/GRE test waiver requests for the 2023-2024 admissions season. Interviews are required for admission and are held virtually.
Application Checklist
- Official GMAT or GRE test scores (waiver request available)
- Academic transcripts from all prior institutions
- Two recommendations
- One essay (500 words or less)
- Statement of Purpose (100 words or less)
- One slide presentation
- Official TOEFL, PTE or IELTS academic score report (for international students)
Essay Topic Analysis
Recommendation Questions
Notre Dame / Mendoza Q&A's
Notre Dame / Mendoza LiveWire and DecisionWire
Over 150 instructors, including professors, associate professors, and adjunct instructors, make up the MBA faculty. Furthermore, prominent business leaders occasionally serve as visiting lecturers to give students an insider’s view of the business world.
The MBA program begins with the Integral Leadership Development program. Business executives and faculty guide new students through a series of activities to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses and values over the course of four days.
The MBA degree requires 64 credits, spread across four semesters, which are further broken down to two seven-week modules. The module structure gives students the option to add electives and experiential learning opportunities to major courses. For instance, students have the option of taking an Interterm Intensive at the end of each module. Interterm Intensives may take the form of consulting projects or travel abroad.
Following the first semester of core business courses, students select a major track to tailor their studies to their specific career goals. MBA students may major in business analytics, business leadership, corporate finance, digital marketing & marketing analytics, innovation & entrepreneurship, investments, marketing, strategy or supply chain & operations management.
Degree Offerings at Mendoza
In addition to the full-time MBA, Mendoza also offers an Executive MBA program. The one-year MBA is being discontinued at the end of the 2023-2024 academic year.
The Executive MBA program requires 50 credits to complete, runs 24 months and students meet once monthly, Thursday to Saturday on Notre Dame’s campus. Notre Dame also runs an EMBA in Chicago for working professionals, which also requires meeting once a month.
Mendoza also partners with other Notre Dame colleges to offer dual degrees in other disciplines: law, science, engineering and global affairs. Mendoza offers an MBA/MSBA dual-degree program that allows students to gain a STEM-designated degree in addition to the standard MBA.
Majors at Mendoza
- Business Analytics
- Business Leadership
- Corporate Finance
- Digital Marketing & Digital Analytics
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Investments
- Marketing
- Strategy
- Supply Chain & Operations Management
Two-Year MBA
Dual Degree Options
Campus Life
Clubs, Conferences, & Competitions
Mendoza MBA students have a selection of 17 clubs and committees that focus on business skills, cultural affinities, or shared interests. Career clubs include business analytics, consulting, entrepreneurship & VC, finance & investments, marketing, and technology. The MBA program also runs an Asian MBA Club, Black Graduates in Management Club, Mendoza Women in Business and others.
Mendoza is regularly the home of business conferences. Recent offerings have included the Conference on Corporate Communication, which featured talks from various business communication professionals in a variety of industries.
Business competitions encourage Mendoza MBAs to put their skills to the test. For instance, the McCloskey New Venture Competition invites students to compete for cash and prizes by pitching business venture ideas to investing groups. The Thomson Reuters MBA Tech Innovation Challenge encourages students to find ways to use blockchain to change the way taxes are levied.
Campus Spaces
The Mendoza College of Business is comprised of four buildings and includes an auditorium, conference center, and entrepreneurial digital research facilities. The Notre Dame campus is steeped in Catholic tradition and hosts the iconic Basilica of the Sacred Heart and the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, which can be seen in the 1993 film “Rudy.”
MBA Careers
Career Services
Mendoza’s career coaches can help students work with recruiters, and all MBA students undergo the school’s Career Leadership Course to prepare for career opportunities. Students can learn how to conduct more effective job searches by working on interviewing and networking skills as well as their professional presence. In addition, students learn how to identify and obtain the career that best fits their skills. And the Notre Dame Alumni Network gives students access to over 144,000 active alumni across the globe. Lastly, students are welcome to use the Mendoza Career Services resources after graduation.
Top recruiters for Notre Dame MBA students include American Airlines, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, Cisco, ExxonMobil, McKinsey & Co., Nationwide, PwC, SAP, Amazon, AT&T, IBM, and Microsoft.
Career Statistics
Within three months of graduating, 91% of the Mendoza MBA Class of 2023 had received full-time job offers. Their median salaries and bonuses landed at $165,000.
Financial services was the most popular industry for the Class of 2023, as 30% of graduates entered the field. Consulting followed at 24% and the tech industry claimed 15% of Mendoza MBAs. Ten percent of the group chose consumer products.
45% of the Class of 2023 settled in the Midwest. The second most popular region was the Northeast at 20%. The Southwest saw 12% of graduates and the West was next at 9%. The Mid-Atlantic took in 8%.
For 2024-2025 academic year, the tuition for the two-year MBA at Notre Dame Mendoza is $71,126. Candidates should also factor in additional expenses including other fees, room and board, books and supplies, healthcare and more.
Financial Aid
Eighty-five percent of Mendoza MBA students receive financial aid in the form of fellowships. Fellowships are competitive, and they are awarded on the basis of a candidate’s merit, leadership ability, background, or commitment to underserved populations. Full tuition awards include the Kenneth R. Meyer fellowships for exceptional academic performance. Additional awards include the Brogan Fellowships, the Forté Fellowships, John Cardinal O’Hara Society Fellowships, and Yellow Ribbon Program Fellowships.
Recent News
Mailing Address:
Mendoza College of Business, Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-8488
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @nd_mba