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London Business School

Image for London Business School
Women 43%
% International 82%

London Business School (LBS) is the graduate business school of the University of London. Located by Regent’s Park near the center of London, LBS offers a full-time MBA program along with several Executive MBA options. LBS is widely recognized for its international student body and flexible curriculum schedule, as well as its track record of placing high numbers of graduates into careers in finance.


What is the tuition for London Business School’s MBA program?

The tuition for London Business School’s MBA program is 115,000 UK Pounds per year.

What is the average GMAT score for admission to London Business School’s MBA program?

The average GMAT score at London Business School’s is around 700.

Does London Business School accept the GRE?

Yes, London Business School has accepted the GRE for several years now.

What is the average GRE score for admission to London Business School’s MBA program?

London Business School prefers scores around or over 160 for both Verbal and Quantitative sections of the GRE.

What is the minimum number of years of work experience required for admission to London Business School’s MBA program?

London Business School does not state a minimum requirement for years of work experience. However, it is important for candidates to be aware that they are being considered against other candidates with an average of 5.5 years of experience.

What is the average number of years of work experience for admission to London Business School’s MBA program?

The average number of years of work experience among students in London Business School’s MBA program is 5.5.

What is the average starting salary for graduates of the London Business School MBA program?

The average starting salary for London Business School's MBA graduates is $120,238. The salary will vary by industry, with consulting and finance jobs generally commanding the higher salaries.

How long is London Business School's full-time MBA program?

London Business School offers a traditional 2 year MBA program.

What are the deadlines for London Business School's MBA program?

The Round 1 LBS MBA application deadline is September 6, 2024. The Round 2 deadline is January 3, 2025. The Round 3 deadline is March 24, 2025.

What percent of London Business School MBA students are women?

Thirty-eight percent of the class at London Business School are women.


The Class Profile

LBS enrolled 487 students in the fall of 2023. LBS did not report the average GMAT or GRE scores for the Class of 2025, but the average GMAT is around 700 and the school looks for 160+ in each section of the GRE. International students comprise 82% of the Class of 2025 and represent 63 different nationalities; six percent come from the UK and 18% from the rest of Europe. Women make up 43% of the class in total.

Prior to matriculating, 29% of the new class had worked in consulting. Twenty-one percent came from finance/accounting and eight percent from IT&T. Another six percent joined with work experience in healthcare/pharma/biotech.

Application Procedures

London Business School has three stages of admission, with application deadlines typically occurring in September, January, and March. In addition to a completed online application form, applicants must submit essays, a one-page résumé, the name and details of one reference, and academic transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended. The school also requires applicants to send in a £200 application fee, GMAT or GRE scores, and, if necessary, results from the TOEFL, IELTS, CPE, CAE, Duolingo, or PTE. Interviews are conducted on an invitation-only basis.

Application Checklist

  • Data Forms
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Résumé
  • Application Fee
  • One Recommendation
  • Essays

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Interview Reports

London Business School Q&A's

London Business School LiveWire and DecisionWire

MBA LiveWire

July 19, 2024 10:55pm ET
Rejected from Waitlist at London Business School
Round: Round 2
Received via email July 19, 2024
GMAT: 700
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Application Location: United States
May 17, 2024 6:47am ET
Waitlisted at London Business School
Round: Round 2
Received via email May 17, 2024
GMAT: 689
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Consulting
Application Location: USA

Waitlisted w/ interview for R2. International applicant. Not sure what to do to get off waitlist. Already completed MBA Math, submitted additional letter of rec, and visited campus.

April 25, 2024 6:18pm ET
Rejected at London Business School
Round: Round 3
Received via email April 25, 2024
GMAT: 655
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Finance
Application Location: Singapore
March 27, 2024 11:19pm ET
Applied to London Business School
Round: Round 3
Received via n/a
GRE: 311
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Entrepreneurship
Application Location: India
March 27, 2024 3:39pm ET
Accepted to London Business School
Round: Round 2
Received via email March 27, 2024
GPA: 3.2
GMAT: 710
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Finance
Application Location: NYC
March 27, 2024 2:22pm ET
Accepted to London Business School
Round: Round 2
Received via email March 27, 2024
GMAT: 720
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Consulting
Application Location: India


March 27, 2024 2:13pm ET
Waitlisted at London Business School
Round: Round 2
Received via email March 27, 2024
GMAT: 690
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
March 27, 2024 1:30pm ET
Waitlisted at London Business School
Round: Round 2
Received via email March 27, 2024
GPA: 2.7
GMAT: 688
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Healthcare
Application Location: USA

MBA DecisionWire

August 20, 2024 9:28am ET
Enrolled: Cornell / Johnson
Admitted: Cornell / Johnson $
Washington U. / Olin $
Applied: Cornell / Johnson, Michigan / Ross, UVA / Darden, Vanderbilt / Owen, Washington U. / Olin
Entering Year: 2024
Post MBA Career: Undecided
GPA: 3.85
Location: Miami, FL

This is for applicants who are applying directly from undergrad to an MBA program without "post-bachelor" work experience. It is tough but possible with perseverance.

July 31, 2024 12:10pm ET
Enrolled: Stanford GSB
Admitted: U. Chicago Booth , Columbia $
Harvard Business School $
Michigan / Ross , Stanford GSB $
Applied: U. Chicago Booth, UPenn / Wharton, Stanford GSB, Michigan / Ross, Harvard Business School, Columbia
Entering Year: 2024
Post MBA Career: Undecided
GMAT: 750

Selecting Stanford GSB for smaller class size and focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.

July 23, 2024 3:58pm ET
Enrolled: IESE
Admitted: Cornell / Johnson , Duke / Fuqua , IESE , UPenn / Wharton , Yale SOM
Applied: Cornell / Johnson, Duke / Fuqua, Harvard Business School, IESE, Michigan / Ross, Northwestern / Kellogg, UPenn / Wharton, Yale SOM
Entering Year: 2024
Post MBA Career: Entrepreneurship
GMAT: 710
GPA: 3.6
July 23, 2024 9:21am ET
Enrolled: Harvard Business School
Admitted: Harvard Business School , Stanford GSB
Applied: Stanford GSB, Harvard Business School
Entering Year: 2024
GMAT: 760

Opt'ed for HBS given stronger alumni network, larger class/network size, and better placement outside of Tech industry



Across its seven subject areas, London Business School employs over 150 faculty members. In addition to teaching courses, these scholars and practitioners help run the School’s four research centers and initiatives, which investigate topics such as private equity, entrepreneurship, leadership and asset management.


London Business School notes that while the majority of course material is delivered via lectures and case discussions, instructors also make use of other techniques such as field visits, guest speakers, and role-playing scenarios. Upon arriving at LBS, first-year students are divided into groups of approximately 80 students each that take their core courses together. These groups are further broken down into study groups of five or six students each. Throughout the first year of their MBA studies, students work on assignments with their study group members; the school reports that study groups earn about 30% of their first-year grade together.

The pre-term period for first-year MBA students begins online and is comprised of three courses that last through August: Accounting, Finance, and Statistics. Students with prior knowledge on these subjects may take the required tests without completing the coursework. Following pre-term, students spend three terms—Term One, Two, and Three—completing the required curriculum. Term One runs from August to December, Term Two from January to March, and Term Three from April to June. The core curriculum is divided into two sections: Business Fundamentals and the Tailored Core. Business Fundamentals stretches through the first two terms and is made up of a total of 11 required courses. The flexible Tailored Core offers 15 course options for students to fulfill the remainder of their credits. Students who have extensive relevant prior experience in corporate finance and accounting gained within the last 10 years may take an exam to waive out of core courses in these areas and replace them with elective courses. In the summer between the first and second years, most MBA students opt to complete a summer internship, though students may also participate in Entrepreneurship Summer School.

Unlike most MBA programs, which last either one or two full years, LBS allows its students to graduate after 15, 18 or 21 months of instruction. The second year of the program follows the same three-term calendar as the first year. During the second year, students must complete a summary course called Capstone as well as the course Global Business Experiences, through which teams of students partake in projects at locations throughout the world alongside LBS faculty members. To graduate, students must complete a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 12 elective courses. LBS enables students to tailor their studies to their desired career paths by taking a select combination of courses in one of nine elective concentrations. Students can also enroll in courses at University College London to supplement elective offerings at LBS.

In keeping with the school’s international outlook, LBS recommends that MBA candidates demonstrate competency in a language other than English in order to increase value to future employers; qualifying languages are Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Students who plan to complete their MBA studies in 18 or 21 months may also spend a term studying abroad at one of LBS’s more than 30 partner schools. The school reports that 30% of MBA students spend a term abroad during their second year.

Other MBA Degree Options

In addition to its full-time MBA program, LBS offers several MBA degree options for applicants who are more advanced in their careers. One such option is the 20-month Executive MBA, which is held in London or Dubai. The school also supports a 20-month Global Executive MBA program, the EMBA-Global Americas and Europe held between LBS and Columbia Business School.

Concentrations at LBS

  • Change Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Private Capital
  • Strategy
  • Economics
  • Technology and Analytics
  • Sustainability

Degree Offerings at LBS

Full-time MBA Program
Exit points at 15, 18 and 21 months

Executive MBA Programs


EMBA-Global Americas and Europe between LBS and Columbia Business School

Campus Life

Clubs, Conferences & Competitions

Students at LBS are provided with many opportunities to get involved in activities outside of the classroom. The school boasts over 80 student-run clubs that are based on a wide variety of professional, regional, athletic and social interests. For example, students who plan to enter the asset management industry after earning their MBA can join the Investment Management Club and participate in club events such as company visits, a guest speaker series and a stock pitch competition. The club also holds workshops on topics ranging from interviews to alternative investment strategies. Meanwhile, on the non-professional side, the Sailing Club holds sailing lessons and trips to introduce LBS students to sailing. Students can compete in sailing regattas against other MBA schools across the world as well as engage in the club’s social events.

Student clubs at LBS also organize several conferences on campus each year. These include the Energy Club’s annual Global Energy Summit and the Women in Business Club’s annual Women in Business Conference, among many others. In addition, LBS students compete in a number of case and business plan competitions each year. Some, like the Business School MENA Startup Competition, are sponsored by LBS students and centers, while others, such as the CFA Global Investment Research Challenge, provide students with the opportunity to compete internationally.

Campus Space

London Business School’s campus is located in the center of London and faces the Boating Lake at Regent’s Park. The school comprises three main buildings: the Ratcliffe Building, the Plowden Building and the Taunton Centre. Combined, the Ratcliffe Building and the Plowden Building hold a total of 18 lecture theaters, 176 seminar rooms and a variety of other instructional facilities. Meanwhile, the Taunton Centre is home to the school’s Fitness Centre. The campus also offers four different places to eat, ranging from grab-and-go cafés to more formal restaurants. 

LBS does not provide housing to its students, so most full-time MBA students find private housing near campus in the form of shared apartments and houses. For guidance on how to find accommodations, students can refer to the University of London’s Housing Services office.

MBA Careers

Career Services

The Career Services team at LBS is comprised of career coaches and sector specialists who help students determine their post-MBA paths and connect with potential employers in their desired fields. Career Services provides students with online career development resources, one-on-one career counseling, and workshops on topics such as résumés, interviews and networking, among others. Career Portal Plus (CP+) is the hub of careers and opportunities that connects candidates and alumni with their future employers.  The team also organizes a variety of events throughout the year to help students network with recruiters. These include a career fair, treks to Silicon Valley, Singapore, Shanghai, New York and more international locations, and on-campus presentations and receptions.
On-campus interviews for second-year students seeking full-time positions begin in mid-September, and those for first-year students seeking summer internships begin in early January.

Career Statistics

Within three months of graduating from LBS, 91% of the Class of 2023 had received job offers and 90% accepted them. The overall mean salary came to $120,238. Forty-five percent of the class went into the consulting sector while 26% chose positions in financial services. Twenty-one percent found work in the tech sector.

Fifty-five percent of the class remained in the United Kingdom while 8% chose jobs in Europe outside of the UK. Twelve percent went to work in Asia and 10% in North America.


For the MBA program beginning in August 2024, fees including tuition and reading materials come to a total of £115,000. Students who are admitted to the MBA program within the first three application deadlines have access to a variety of merit- and need-based scholarships provided by LBS and associated sponsors. Accepted applicants are automatically considered for some of these awards, while others require an additional application. These awards range from partial to full tuition. Students seeking further financial assistance can also apply for government and private loans. LBS sends additional information on applying for financial aid along with their offers of admission.


Mailing Address:
London Business School
Regent’s Park
London, NW1 4SA
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)20 7000 7000
Fax: +44 (0)20 7000 7001
Email: [email protected]
X (Twitter): @LBS