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Foster School of Business – University of Washington

Image for Foster School of Business – University of Washington
Class Size 111
Median GMAT 710
Median GPA 3.3
Women 47%
% International 56%

The Michael G. Foster School of Business of the University of Washington is based in Seattle, Washington. The school offers full-time, evening, and executive MBA options, as well as a Technology Management MBA and a Global Executive MBA. They also feature a Hybrid MBA, the majority of which is completed online. The campus is close to a variety of music and arts scenes, as well as major companies such as Microsoft,, and Starbucks.

uw mba technology


What is the tuition for Foster's MBA program?

For the 2023-2024 academic year, tuition and fees total $40,008 for Washington residents, and $57,846 for non-residents.

What is the median GMAT score for admission to Foster's MBA program?

The median GMAT score for the incoming class at Foster is 710.

Does the Foster MBA program accept the GRE?

Yes. The Foster MBA program has accepted the GRE for a few years now.

What is the median GRE score for admission to Foster's MBA program?

The Foster MBA median GRE scores are 158 Verbal and 164 Quantitative.

What is the minimum number of years of work experience required for admission to Foster's MBA program?

Foster does not state a minimum requirement for years of work experience. However, it is important for candidates to be aware that they are being considered against other candidates with an average of 6 years of experience.

What is the average number of years of work experience for admission to Foster's MBA program? (or, What is the average age of a Foster student?)

The average number of years of work experience among students in Foster's MBA program is 6. The average age of a Foster MBA student is 29 years.

What is the average starting salary for graduates of the Foster MBA program?

The average starting salary for Foster MBA graduates is $151,322. The salary will vary by industry, with consulting and finance jobs generally commanding the higher salaries.

How long is Foster's full-time MBA program?

Foster offers a traditional 2 year MBA program.

What are the application deadlines for Foster's full-time MBA program?

The Round 1 MBA application deadline is October 1, 2024. The Round 2 application deadline is January 7, 2025. The Round 3 deadline is March 12, 2025.

What percent of Foster MBA students are women?

The percentage of the class at Foster that are women is 47%.

What type of interview does Foster use for MBA admissions?

All applicants to the Full-time MBA program must submit a video interview as part of their application. Competitive applicants will be invited to a one-on-one interview with an admissions counselor.


Class Profile

The full-time MBA Class for 2025 numbers 111 students. On average, students have six years of work experience. The class is 47% women, and international students also make up 56% of the student population. The median GMAT for this class was 710 with undergraduate GPAs at a median of 3.3. For those who took the GRE, their median scores landed at 164 Quant and 158 Verbal.

Thirty-four percent of the class had majored in engineering during their undergraduate years. Twenty-two percent had majored in business. Eleven percent earned degrees in economics and 10% in math/computer science. Nineteen percent of candidates reported being the first in their family to attend college. Twenty-one percent of the new class already hold advanced degrees. 

Application Procedures

Applicants are required to hold a U.S. bachelor’s degree (or its equivalent). GMAT or GRE scores are required for all applicants. If the GMAT is taken multiple times, the Foster admissions committee will accept the highest score; however, GMAT scores are only valid for five years, and the test must be taken by the admissions deadline. If necessary, students should submit evidence of English language proficiency via TOEFL scores.

The completed application includes an online application, two required essays, a résumé, two letters of recommendation, all prior transcripts, an official GMAT or GRE score report, a video interview, and an $85 application fee. Work experience is preferred, but not necessary to apply for the full-time MBA. Once a student’s application is received, the candidate may be invited to complete an admissions interview via video or in-person.

Application Checklist

  • Online Application Profile
  • Essays
  • Résumé
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Official GMAT or GRE Scores
  • Undergraduate transcripts
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency
  • Video Interview
  • Application Fee ($85)

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Interview Reports

U. Washington / Foster Q&A's

U. Washington / Foster LiveWire and DecisionWire

MBA LiveWire

June 14, 2024 12:38pm ET
Accepted to U. Washington / Foster
Round: Round 2
Received via email on June 06, 2024
GPA: 3.17
Post MBA Career Name: Operations Management
Application Location: PNW, USA

36F, Non-STEM undergrad, 14 YOE, Veteran. Applied right at end of Round 2, invited to interview 2 weeks after my last rec letter was received, offered received about a week after the interview.

May 11, 2024 10:01am ET
Rejected at U. Washington / Foster
Round: Round 3
Received via portal on May 09, 2024
GPA: 3.9
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Finance
Application Location: Seattle

Quite shocked, interview felt like it went very well + graduated top ~2% from Foster undergraduate. Unfortunate; hoping that others get better outcomes

May 10, 2024 9:27pm ET
Rejected at U. Washington / Foster
Round: Round 3
Received via portal May 10, 2024
GPA: 4.0
GRE: 320
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Consulting
Application Location: USA

Very hostile interview. It felt like an interrogation of my life which is probably why I got irritated and no offer. Around 30-40 fast fire questions in 1 hour. Hope others have a better experience with this school! It's a shame because Seattle is a beautiful city and UW is a nice place.

W/E -> 4 years at large multinationals in finance
UG -> Top 100 university globally

April 12, 2024 2:53am ET
Accepted to U. Washington / Foster
Round: Round 2
Received via email on March 21, 2024
GPA: 3.3
GMAT: 635
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Technology
Application Location: London

9k p/y Scholarship + In-state reduction

April 5, 2024 11:33am ET
Accepted to U. Washington / Foster
Round: Round 1
Received via phone April 5, 2024
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Non Profit / Social Impact

Not a trad 2 year track. This is a 3 year (Evening MBA), round one.

Just got the phone call this morning!

March 26, 2024 9:13pm ET
Accepted to U. Washington / Foster
Round: Round 2
Received via email on March 21, 2024
GPA: 7.3 / 10
GMAT: 700
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Technology
Application Location: India

Accepted with some scholarship.

March 25, 2024 12:06pm ET
Accepted to U. Washington / Foster
Round: Round 2
Received via email on March 21, 2024
GPA: 3.8
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Non Profit / Social Impact
Application Location: LATAM

$$ Half tuition scholarship

March 25, 2024 8:09am ET
Accepted to U. Washington / Foster
Round: Round 2
Received via phone on March 21, 2024
GPA: 3.45
GRE: 323
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Technology
Application Location: Seattle

Got the call from Brent on Friday, admitted with $$ scholarship!

MBA DecisionWire

August 20, 2024 9:28am ET
Enrolled: Cornell / Johnson
Admitted: Cornell / Johnson $
Washington U. / Olin $
Applied: Cornell / Johnson, Michigan / Ross, UVA / Darden, Vanderbilt / Owen, Washington U. / Olin
Entering Year: 2024
Post MBA Career: Undecided
GPA: 3.85
Location: Miami, FL

This is for applicants who are applying directly from undergrad to an MBA program without "post-bachelor" work experience. It is tough but possible with perseverance.

July 31, 2024 12:10pm ET
Enrolled: Stanford GSB
Admitted: U. Chicago Booth , Columbia $
Harvard Business School $
Michigan / Ross , Stanford GSB $
Applied: U. Chicago Booth, UPenn / Wharton, Stanford GSB, Michigan / Ross, Harvard Business School, Columbia
Entering Year: 2024
Post MBA Career: Undecided
GMAT: 750

Selecting Stanford GSB for smaller class size and focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.

July 23, 2024 3:58pm ET
Enrolled: IESE
Admitted: Cornell / Johnson , Duke / Fuqua , IESE , UPenn / Wharton , Yale SOM
Applied: Cornell / Johnson, Duke / Fuqua, Harvard Business School, IESE, Michigan / Ross, Northwestern / Kellogg, UPenn / Wharton, Yale SOM
Entering Year: 2024
Post MBA Career: Entrepreneurship
GMAT: 710
GPA: 3.6
July 23, 2024 9:21am ET
Enrolled: Harvard Business School
Admitted: Harvard Business School , Stanford GSB
Applied: Stanford GSB, Harvard Business School
Entering Year: 2024
GMAT: 760

Opt'ed for HBS given stronger alumni network, larger class/network size, and better placement outside of Tech industry



Foster has 83 faculty members, and 45% of the professors and lecturers participate in the review process at top academic journals. Their work has been included in publications such as the Journal of Consumer Research, Social Psychology and Personality Science, and the Journal of Consumer Psychology. Professors are spread across five academic departments: accounting, finance & business economics, information systems & operations management, management & organization, and marketing & international business.


Over the course of 20 months, the full-time MBA students at the Foster School of Business take both core and elective coursework to complete their degree. The courses are offered on campus during the day. In the first year, students take three core courses, which are comprised of in-depth modules across a variety of topics. The Autumn Quarter includes 16 credits with topics ranging from financial reporting and analysis to marketing strategy. The Winter Quarter is comprised of 14 credits and includes a business consulting project, statistics, leadership and strategy coursework. The first year concludes in the Spring Quarter, which has eight credits of coursework, covering decision making and operations management. During this quarter, students can also take up to eight credits of electives.  Second-year students take two core courses covering ethics and global economic conditions as well as a variety of electives. Eleven four-credit elective courses are required for the completion of the program, and they may cover topics in business economics, entrepreneurship, and operations management.

In addition, students must participate in experiential learning. They can do so by joining a community board of directors, taking part in an international consulting project, or completing a fellowship. Students must compete in the MBA Core Case Competition or a business plan competition to test their skills against other top competitors. Lastly, students may take on a full-time, paid internship during the summer between the first and second years of classes.

Other MBA Degree Options

In addition to the full-time MBA, Foster offers part-time and executive options. The Evening MBA takes three years to complete and students take courses on a part-time basis in the evenings. Core courses take place on Mondays and Wednesdays, whereas electives are offered once a week from Mondays through Thursdays. The Evening MBA enrolls around 125 students per year, while around 65 professionals matriculate in the executive MBA. The Foster Executive MBA program takes 21 months and 68 credits to complete. Two schedule options are available to compensate students’ professional lives and geographic placement. The North America classes meet once per month for four consecutive days (Wednesday through Saturday). Online academic sessions, as well as virtual study team meetings, support these meetings. The regional program meets once per week on alternating Fridays and Saturdays (occasionally consecutive Fridays and Saturdays) and offers weekly study team meetings and on-campus tutoring sessions. The Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) at the Foster School of Business takes 12 months to complete. The cohort-based program is geared toward professionals looking to continue or to start working internationally. Meanwhile, the Technology Management MBA (TTMBA) is designed for technology professionals and entrepreneurs to learn relevant business management techniques. Courses cover topics such as negotiations, microeconomics, and decision modeling. With evening and weekend classes, the TTMBA is geared toward students who are also working full time. Finally, the Foster Hybrid MBA is mostly completed online with quarterly in-person sessions. This two-year program is designed for working parents, traveling or young professionals and is taught by the full-time MBA faculty.

Core Courses at Foster

Year One

Financial Reporting and Analysis
Managerial Finance
Leadership Development
Building Effective Teams
Marketing Strategy
Micro-Economics of Competition and Strategy
Applied Strategy: Business Consulting Project
Statistics for Business Decisions
Leading Teams and Organizations
Competitive & Corporate Strategy
Information for Decision Making and Performance Evaluation
Operation and Supply Chain Management
Decision Support Models

Year Two

Ethical Leadership & Decision Making
Analysis of Global Economic Conditions

Degree Offerings at Foster

Full-time MBA

Evening MBA

Executive MBA

Technology Executive MBA

Global Executive MBA

Hybrid MBA (Online)

Joint Degree Programs

MBA/JD, MBA/MHA, MBA/MPAcc, MBA/MAIS (International, Japan or Korean Studies)

Campus Life

Clubs and Competitions

Foster MBA students may choose among the school’s 22 student clubs as a member of the MBA Association. Clubs are broken into groups including functional, industry, diversity, interest and extracurricular. There are a handful of functional clubs that support such disciplines as consulting, marketing, operations, finance and strategy. Industry clubs explore entrepreneurship, technology, healthcare, outdoor sports and interactive entertainment, among other areas. Diversity in Business and Foster Veterans Association are among the handful of diversity clubs. The MBA Challenge for Charity, which is in its 37th year, along with Net Impact, give Foster students the opportunity to give back to their community and affect transformational change. Finally, students’ partners can socialize through the Blue Dot club, while other extracurricular clubs center around Husky football and creativity.

On campus, Foster offers two business competitions: MBA Core Case Competition and the Dempsey Startup Competition. The former is required for first-year students, who participate in a practice case in the winter and then a final “live” case. Industry leaders judge the presentations based on criteria such as recommendations and clarity. Meanwhile, the Dempsey Startup Competition is hosted by the Arthur W. Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship, and teams compete for $80,000 in prize funds. The goal of the competition is to develop a new business, and teams may secure further funding after the competition through the Jones + Foster Accelerator.

Campus Spaces

Five of the school’s buildings are located in Seattle, Washington: Dempsey Hall, PACCAR Hall, the Bank of America Executive Center, the Foster Business Library, and Mackenzie Hall. The Eastside Executive Center is located in Kirkland, Washington, and houses the Technology Management MBA. Dempsey Hall is the newest addition to the campus and houses the dean’s office, MBA and undergraduate offices, the Center for Entrepreneurship and several classrooms. PACCAR Hall is a little over twice the size of Dempsey Hall at 135,000 square feet. PACCAR Hall is home to several classrooms, meeting spaces, a large auditorium and faculty offices.

MBA Careers

Career Services

The MBA Career Management provides many ways for students to develop professionally during their time at the school. Offerings include career coaching, online resources, advisory boards, networking events, a mentor program, and peer advisors for students in their second year. In addition, students can participate in mock interviews, résumé reviews, and career advising. 

Career Statistics

Eighty-nine percent of the Foster MBA Class of 2023 accepted job offers within three months of graduation. Their average salary landed at $$151,322 and average signing bonus at $44,537.

Technology remained the most popular industry choice for the latest class, as 39% of 2023 graduates entered the field. Consulting was second, claiming 29% of 2023 graduates. While financial services tends to be a popular field for MBA students, only 5% of Foster MBAs joined the industry. CPG also hired 5% of the latest class. 


For the 2023-2024 academic year, tuition and fees total $40,008 for Washington residents, and $57,846 for non-residents. For the 20 months and six quarters it would take to complete the full-time MBA, this translates to $80,016 for residents and $115,692 for non-residents in tuition and fees. Expenses, such as room and board, books, transportation and miscellaneous personal items, add to the cost of attendance each year. Foster estimates approximately $29,688 for room and board for a one bedroom, solo occupied apartment over the course of 12 months. The MBA Association Membership Dues and MBA Club Dues are covered with one-time payments of $450 and $200, respectively.

Program Tuition (first year)

Tuition and Fees

  • Resident $40,008
  • Non-resident $57,846

Room & Board $29,668
Books $1,100
Local Transportation $2,108
Personal Expenses $3,344
MBA Association Memb. Dues $450
MBA Club Dues $200
Health $3,600


Resident $80,478

Non-resident $98,316


Mailing Address:
Michael G. Foster School of Business
MBA Program Office
334 Dempsey Hall
Box 353223
Seattle, WA 98195-3223
Phone: (206) 543-4661
[email protected]