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Tuck School of Business – Dartmouth College

Image for Tuck School of Business – Dartmouth College

The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth is part of the larger Dartmouth College campus situated in Hanover, New Hampshire. Tuck stands out from its peer schools for offering only a full-time MBA program with no part-time or executive options, though students may pursue joint or dual degrees in conjunction with Dartmouth and other leading universities. Tuck students share an extremely close-knit MBA experience in the scenic Upper Valley, and the lack of a doctoral program helps facilitate very cohesive working relationships between faculty and MBA students.


What is the tuition for Tuck's MBA program?

The tuition for Tuck’s MBA program is $80,620 per year.

How hard is it to get into Tuck's MBA program?

The acceptance rate for Tuck is 40.1% It is important to consider the acceptance rate in the context of the student profile of those who are admitted. For example the average GMAT score is 726.

What is the average GMAT score for admission to Tuck's MBA program?

The average GMAT score for the incoming class at Tuck is 726. The GMAT range is 630 to 800.

Does the Tuck MBA program accept the GRE?

Yes. The Tuck MBA program has accepted the GRE for several years now.

What is the average GRE score for admission to Tuck's MBA program?

The average GRE score for the incoming class at Tuck is 161 Verbal average 161 Quant average.

What is the minimum number of years of work experience required for admission to Tuck's MBA program?

Tuck does not state a minimum requirement for years of work experience. However, it is important for candidates to be aware that they are being considered against other candidates with an average of 5.75 years of experience.

What is the average number of years of work experience for admission to Tuck's MBA program? (or, What is the average age of a Tuck student?)

The average number of years of work experience among students in Tuck's MBA program is 5.75.

What is the median starting salary for graduates of the Tuck MBA program?

The average median starting salary for Tuck MBA graduates is $175,000 with a median signing bonus of $30,000. The salary will vary by industry, with consulting and finance jobs generally commanding the higher salaries.

How long is Tuck's full-time MBA program?

Tuck offers a traditional 2-year MBA program.

What are the application deadlines for Tuck's MBA program?

The Round 1 MBA application deadline is September 26, 2024. The Round 2 application deadline is January 6, 2025. The Round 3 deadline is March 26, 2025.

What percent of Tuck MBA students are women?

The percentage of the class at Tuck that are women is 44%.

What type of interview does Tuck use for MBA admissions?

All Round 1/Round 1 Consortium applicants who submit their complete application, including test scores and Letters of Reference, by September 1, 2023, all Round 2/Round 2 Consortium applicants who submit their complete application by December 1, 2023, and all Round 3 applicants who submit their complete application by March 1, 2024, will be guaranteed an interview invitation. For all other applicants, interviews are offered by invitation only. Interviews are resume-based, meaning the interviewer will not have access to your application materials.


The Class Profile

Tuck’s Class of 2025 has 297 students who arrived with an average of 5.75 years of full-time work experience by the time of matriculation. Thirty-three percent of students entering in 2023 are international and 21% of U.S. students identify as members of a U.S. minority group. Forty-four percent of the class is comprised of women.

The average GMAT score of 2024 entrants was 726, with the range of scores landing between 630 to 800, and the average GPA was 3.49. Forty-two percent had submitted GRE scores for the standardized test requirement. For the GRE results, the Verbal average was 161 and the Quantitative average was also 161. Forty percent of first-year students completed undergraduate majors in humanities, social sciences, or the arts, followed by business at 28% and engineering, tech, math, or science at 25%.

Application Procedures

Tuck offers three rounds for admissions, including an early action option, that run from late September until late March. All applicants must complete Tuck’s online application form, except for applicants submitting their materials through the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management. In addition to this form, non-Consortium applicants must submit a non-refundable application fee of $250, academic transcripts from all academic institutions attended, resume, their highest GMAT or GRE results, essays, short-term and long-term goals, two recommendations, and TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, or Duolingo results if applicable.

Tuck provides guaranteed interviews for Round 1 / Consortium 1 applicants who submit a completed application by September 3, and for Round 2 / Consortium 2 applicants who submit a completed application by December 2. For all other applicants, interviews are by invitation only and may be virtual as Tuck offers only a limited number of on-campus interviews.

Application Checklist

  • Online Application
  • Highest GMAT/GRE and TOEFL/IELTS/PTE/Duolingo score(s)
  • Short-term and long-term goals
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Resume
  • Two Recommendations
  • Application fee
  • Essays

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Interview Reports

Dartmouth / Tuck Q&A's

Dartmouth / Tuck LiveWire and DecisionWire

MBA LiveWire

August 28, 2024 10:57am ET
Interview Invite to Dartmouth / Tuck
Round: Round 1
Received via email on August 26, 2024
GPA: 3.99
GRE: 337
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Technology
Application Location: Northeast

Guaranteed interview, was given the choice between on campus/online via portal.

August 26, 2024 9:18am ET
Applied to Dartmouth / Tuck
Round: Round 1
Received via portal
GPA: 3.99
GRE: 337
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Technology
Application Location: Northeast

4.5 years of tech strategy WE
URM with US citizenship
Solid extracurriculars
Fee waived as a 1st gen student.

August 1, 2024 6:48am ET
Applying to Dartmouth / Tuck
Round: Round 1
Received via n/a
GPA: 3.95
GMAT: 720
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Finance
Application Location: Boston, MA
July 22, 2024 1:42am ET
Accepted from Waitlist to Dartmouth / Tuck
Round: Round 1
Received via email
GPA: 3.7
GMAT: 750
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Technology
Application Location: San Francisco

Was WL from R1 well into the summer but got offered a spot off the waitlist last minute. Enrolling at a different school so chose to turn it down.

July 12, 2024 7:28am ET
Rejected from Waitlist at Dartmouth / Tuck
Round: Round 2
Received via n/a July 12, 2024
GRE: 338
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Consulting

Rejected from R2 waitlist, no email

July 11, 2024 1:05pm ET
Accepted from Waitlist to Dartmouth / Tuck
Round: Round 2
Received via n/a July 11, 2024
GPA: 3.6
GRE: 326
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Application Location: Boston
May 30, 2024 4:00am ET
Accepted from Waitlist to Dartmouth / Tuck
Round: Round 2
Received via portal on May 28, 2024
GPA: 3.3
GRE: 322
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Consulting
Application Location: NYC

Very odd - didn’t expect this. I hadn’t communicated with Tuck since the initial waitlist decision.

May 8, 2024 3:16pm ET
Accepted from Waitlist to Dartmouth / Tuck
Round: Round 2
Received via phone on May 01, 2024
GPA: 3.5
GMAT: 720
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: Consulting

MBA DecisionWire

August 20, 2024 9:28am ET
Enrolled: Cornell / Johnson
Admitted: Cornell / Johnson $
Washington U. / Olin $
Applied: Cornell / Johnson, Michigan / Ross, UVA / Darden, Vanderbilt / Owen, Washington U. / Olin
Entering Year: 2024
Post MBA Career: Undecided
GPA: 3.85
Location: Miami, FL

This is for applicants who are applying directly from undergrad to an MBA program without "post-bachelor" work experience. It is tough but possible with perseverance.

July 31, 2024 12:10pm ET
Enrolled: Stanford GSB
Admitted: U. Chicago Booth , Columbia $
Harvard Business School $
Michigan / Ross , Stanford GSB $
Applied: U. Chicago Booth, UPenn / Wharton, Stanford GSB, Michigan / Ross, Harvard Business School, Columbia
Entering Year: 2024
Post MBA Career: Undecided
GMAT: 750

Selecting Stanford GSB for smaller class size and focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.

July 23, 2024 3:58pm ET
Enrolled: IESE
Admitted: Cornell / Johnson , Duke / Fuqua , IESE , UPenn / Wharton , Yale SOM
Applied: Cornell / Johnson, Duke / Fuqua, Harvard Business School, IESE, Michigan / Ross, Northwestern / Kellogg, UPenn / Wharton, Yale SOM
Entering Year: 2024
Post MBA Career: Entrepreneurship
GMAT: 710
GPA: 3.6
July 23, 2024 9:21am ET
Enrolled: Harvard Business School
Admitted: Harvard Business School , Stanford GSB
Applied: Stanford GSB, Harvard Business School
Entering Year: 2024
GMAT: 760

Opt'ed for HBS given stronger alumni network, larger class/network size, and better placement outside of Tech industry



Tuck’s 58 tenure and tenure track faculty members teach MBA courses across 16 areas of expertise. The faculty also contribute to Tuck’s six centers, which study topics ranging from digital strategies to healthcare to energy. Thanks to Tuck’s scale, students benefit from superior faculty-to-student ratios, small-size elective courses, and unparalleled person-to-person access to professors.


Tuck’s faculty members generally use a combination of lecture and discussion to convey course material. Tuck’s small incoming classes of about 300 MBA students are each divided into four sections who often work together throughout their Fall Term. These sections are further divided into study groups of five to six students each.

The Tuck MBA program runs on a quarter schedule, with three terms of classes and a Summer Term reserved for internships. Tuck’s pre-term, including the very popular and recently redesigned orientation program, formerly known as Outward Bound, now called Pre-Tuck Launch, typically takes place across two weeks in mid-July. Formal orientation spans two weeks in the middle of August, and first-year classes commence in late August, one week before second-year classes start. Fall examinations correspondingly occur at different times for first- and second-year students, though all conclude around mid-December.

Students’ first year is further divided into Summer and Fall terms, and Summer courses and exams conclude in early October before Fall work begins. In the spring, students complete the mandatory First-Year Project (FYP), a staple of the Tuck program that puts student’s comprehension of the first-year curriculum to the test through a five-student consulting project undertaken for real businesses. Students may propose their own projects or pursue a number of cases provided by the school.

Tuck students take 14 required courses, including the FYP, and two electives in the first year and often satisfy the ethics and social responsibility mini-course core requirement in their second years. Mini-courses are offered alongside full-term courses yet meet for fewer weeks. In total, students must complete 37.5 core course credits and 39 elective credits, or 76.5 total credits in order to graduate.

Second-year students have their choice of over 100 electives. Tuck students do not have the option to pursue a major, but they can tailor their curriculum to specialize in areas such as finance and marketing. Most second-year students pursue an independent study at Tuck, allowing them to work under two faculty members to explore diverse topics in their fields of interest. Second-year students can also apply for the chance to spend a semester abroad at one of Tuck’s international partner programs.

In addition, Tuck offers several unique learning opportunities, including its Research-to-Practice Seminars that let students weigh in on faculty members’ most up-to-date research. MBA students can also undertake a field study course through the OnSite Global Consulting, through which students spend four to six weeks performing on-site research and analysis of firms and NGOs internationally before presenting their findings to both U.S.-based and overseas senior management teams. The Center for Healthcare is another diverse aspect of the Tuck MBA, bringing resources and industry leaders from across Dartmouth and beyond to help Tuck students become thought leaders in the healthcare space.

Other MBA Degree Options

The Tuck School of Business offers only the MBA degree, and the only route for attaining it is the full-time, two-year program. However, Tuck does provide four joint-degree options within Dartmouth: the MD/MBA, MPH/MBA, MEM/MBA, MEng/MBA, and PhD/MBA. Six dual degrees—the MBA/MAIR, MBA/MALD, MBA/MCEP, MBA/MPA, MBA/MPA/ID and MBA/MPP—are also offered in conjunction with other institutions in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.

First-Year Curriculum

Analytics I
Management Communication
Financial Accounting
Managing People
Managerial Economics

Capital Markets
Analytics II
Crafting Strategy

Corporate Finance
Global Economics for Managers

First-Year Project
Operations Management
Managing Organizations

Degree Offerings at Tuck

Full-time MBA

Joint Degrees within Dartmouth College

Dual Degrees with other institutions

Campus Life

Clubs, Conferences & Competitions

Despite the school’s small size, Tuck students can engage in over 70 student groups on campus. Club focuses include professional, cultural, special and athletic interests. The school also supports a relatively large number of social interest and volunteering initiatives such as the Tuck Ambassador Program and Tuck Community Consulting. Students interested in event organizing and volunteering have opportunities both in the Hanover community, through events such as Tuck Volunteers, and more broadly through conferences such as the Women in Business Conference.

Each year, Tuck hosts a range of conferences; some notable examples are the Diversity Conference, Emerging Markets Conference, and the Private Equity Conference. MBA students can also take part in a number of competitions both within the school and on a national level. These include the Venture Capital Investment Competition, Dartmouth Entrepreneurs Forum, and the Negotiation Challenge, to name a few.

Campus Spaces

Dartmouth’s picturesque New England campus also houses the Tuck campus, which is comprised of 11 connected buildings. Three key academic buildings are the Murdough Center, Tuck Hall and Byrne Hall. The school describes itself as having a “residential program,” and so its four residence halls are active places in which to build a community. Tuck students may opt to live in Dartmouth’s graduate housing or can choose to live in both on- and off-campus apartments; unlike at many other leading programs, many students choose to live on campus.

MBA Careers

Career Services

Career Services at Tuck offers students ample opportunities to investigate new careers and find leading management positions in line with their existing career interests. On-campus recruiting begins in the winter term for first-year students and in the fall for second-years. During this time the office hosts workshops and panels, job postings and company briefings, and it also organizes global career trips for student organizations with professional focuses on a particular industry or region.

Tuck students benefit from individual counseling from Career Advisors, who bring diverse experience from a range of industries to guide Tuck students in their career choices. In addition to alumni networking support, Tuck-specific resources are available for both full-time employment and internship seekers, such as the Maynard Internship Program. Students can also find nonprofit internship information and funding through Tuck Gives and the Revers Nonprofit Board Fellows.

Career Statistics

Graduates of the Class of 2023 received a median base salary of $175,000 in their post-MBA roles, with a median signing bonus of $30,000. Forty-six percent of the class chose to work in consulting. Financial services followed with 23% of graduates, and technology drew 14% of the class. The healthcare/pharma/biotech and consumer goods/retail industries drew 6% of the class each.

Fifty-three percent of 2023 Tuck graduates took post-MBA positions in the Northeastern U.S., lending credence to the trend that graduates often find work in the region where their school is located. The second highest percentage of Tuck graduates, 14%, opted to move to the West Coast and 10% settled in the Midwest U.S. Five percent headed abroad for work.


Tuition for the Tuck MBA program is $80,620 for the 2024-2025 academic year. However, the school notes that students will incur several other costs, such as expenses for books and supplies, housing, and health and general spending. Due to slight differences in estimated costs for first- and second-year students, the total estimated yearly cost for first-year students living off-campus is $130,237 while the total cost for second-year students is placed at $129,605. First-year students living on-campus can expect to pay less overall, at an estimated cost of $124,514.

Applicants are automatically considered for Tuck scholarships upon submitting a completed application. U.S. citizens and permanent residents can pay for their education through federal loans, and Tuck provides loan options that do not require a U.S. co-borrower for international applicants.

Cost of Attendance (Academic Year 2024-25, Class of 2026)

Tuition $80,620
Books & Supplies $1,500

  • On Campus $15,350
  • Off Campus $20,000

Program Fee $5,420
Miscellaneous Living Expenses

  • On Campus $17,253
  • Off Campus $18,326

Health Insurance $4,371

On Campus $124,514
Off Campus $130,237


Mailing Address:
Tuck School of Business
Dartmouth College
100 Tuck Hall
Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: 603-646-3162
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: TuckSchool
Twitter: TuckSchool
Instagram: TuckSchool
LinkedIn: Tuck School of Business
YouTube: Tuck School of Business