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CEIBS MBA Recommendation Questions


CEIBS online application is now live for the 2024-2025 admissions season, meaning that the CEIBS recommendation questions are now available for applicants and their recommenders. The application requires two referees who can authentically confirm the candidate’s qualities, characteristics, and capabilities, as well as what makes them an ideal prospect for the program.

2024-2025 CEIBS Recommendation Questions

Referee’s Information 


  • Referee’s Name 推荐人姓名
  • Gender 推荐人性别
  • Position/Title 职务/职称
  • Employer 单位名称
  • Contact Address 联系地址
  • Telephone 电话
  • Email 电子邮件
  1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity? 您认识申请人已有多长时间?您当时担任何种职务,与申请人是何种关系?
  2. In comparison with the applicant’s colleagues, what do you consider to be the applicant’s strengths? How do you think about the applicant’s leadership ability? 在您看来,申请人与他(她)的同级相比主要长处是什么?您如何看待他(她)的领导能力?
  3. In what areas do you think the applicant needs improvement or growth? To the best of your knowledge, what effort(s) has the applicant made to improve in the areas that you have mentioned? 请描述申请人的主要不足之处以及申请人如何对此进行了改进。
  4. Please comment on the applicant’s ability to work with colleagues, including his or her supervisors, peers, and subordinates. 请评述申请人与其他同事,包括他(她)的上级、同级和下级,合作共事的能力。
  5. Please provide any other comments or information that may help us assess the applicant for admission into the CEIBS MBA programme. 请提供其它您认为能帮助我院评价申请人的信息。

Please rate the applicant’s characteristics in comparison with his or her peers. 


Referees are asked to rate skills using the following scale: Outstanding 优异 , Excellent 优 , Good 良 , Average 中 , Below Average 差 , Cannot Judge 无法判断


  • Intellectual Ability 智力
  • Analytical Ability 分析能力
  • Organisational Ability 组织能力
  • Problem Solving Ability 解决问题能力
  • Innovation Ability 创新能力
  • Decisiveness 决断能力
  • Leadership Ability 领导能力
  • Teamwork Ability 团队合作能力
  • Communication Skills 表达能力
  • Integrity 正直
  • Maturity 成熟
  • Passion 工作热情
  • Professionalism 专业态度

Please give your overall recommendation for the applicant’s admission to the CEIBS MBA programme. 请给出您对申请人的总体评价。

  • Strongly recommend 极力推荐
  • Recommend 推荐
  • Recommend with some reservation 有保留的推荐